Luís Marques Fernandes holds a law degree from Universidade Portucalense. He´s a PhD candidate in Forensic Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and holds several postgraduate degrees in Forensic Ballistics, Security and Defence, International Humanitarian Law in Conflict Situations, and Geopolitical Risk and Strategy. Lawyer, Shooting Instructor, and Lecturer in several institutions, either at a national level (IUCS-CESPU and FMUP) or an international like the EFI - European Forensic Institute (Malta). President of the OSI - Homeland Security Observatory; and coordinator of the Ballistics and Explosives Scientific Areas at the Portuguese Association of Forensic Sciences. Member of various international scientific societies such as the International Ballistics Society (USA) and The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences (UK). Researcher at Associate Laboratory i4HB - Institute for Health and Bioeconomy, University Institute of Health Sciences and UCIBIO - Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit, Forensics and Biomedical Sciences Research Laboratory, University Institute of Health Sciences (1H-TOXRUN, IUCS-CESPU), 4585-116 Gandra, Portugal
Having a strong belief that critical thinking, perseverance and character make the difference in interpersonal relationships. Upholding Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” “An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.” And Jocko Willink: “Don’t just think. Don’t just talk. Don’t just dream. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is that you actually do. So: DO.”